Dr Oz Vitamin C Dosage

Dr Oz Vitamin C Dosage

There are several impactful things you can do in order to avoid getting infected with the potentially deadly coronavirus. During an appearance on Fox and Friends , Dr. Mehmet Oz provided some simple tactics to combat the spread of the illness—and offered ways to prepare for the worst. Here, the international health expert outlines "action steps" we can all take in order to keep ourselves and others safe during this scary time. Read on, and to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You've Already Had Coronavirus .

woman sleeping in bed

According to the CDC , not getting enough sleep is associated with numerous health implications, including chronic disease and mental conditions. Dr. Oz points out that getting seven hours per night is an easy immunity-boosting tactic.


Another effective way to boost immunity is via exercise, points out Dr. Oz. "Aim for 30 minutes every other day," he suggests.

ultrasonic humidifier in the house. Humidification. Vapor

Dr. Oz points out that improving your air quality can go a long way in keeping sickness at bay. Since viruses dislike humid air using a humidifier can help keep disease out of your home.

Air conditioner cleaning. Man in gloves checks the filter.

When was the last time you changed your air filters? This might be a good time to check. "HEPA filters decrease the number of virus particles in the air," points out Dr. Oz.


While meditation might not seem like an obvious tool to use in the fight against coronavirus, it can actually help. Dr. Oz points out that by keeping your stress at a minimum, meditating can be immunity-boosting.

people shaking hands at office

Dr. Oz is a big supporter of social distancing, pointing out that touching others is a no-go during the coronavirus crisis. "Handshaking transfers 10X more germs that fist-bumping," he points out.

Woman touching her gray hat in sign of salute, greeting someone saying hi with hand gesture

If fist-bumping is a little too Jersey Shore for your liking, forgo contact altogether and start using the head nod as your preferred method of greeting, he suggests.

Woman stressed

All experts—including Dr. Oz—are stressing the importance of changing your face-touching habits. "Coronaviruses typically live for a week on many surfaces," explains Dr. Oz. "Fingers transfer the virus to your eyes, nose, or mouth dozens of times per hour." If you must touch your face, make sure your hands are clean first.

Man washing hands.

Washing your hands is one of the best ways to keep the coronavirus out of your life. "Only 5% of us wash our hands with soap and water for 20 seconds," notes Dr. Oz. If you don't feel like counting, just sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice. Also, make sure to dry your hands post-wash.

Women's hands using wash hand sanitizer gel pump dispenser

If hand washing isn't an option, the second best way to clean your hands is by using a hand sanitizer. Just make sure it is at least 60% alcohol, reminds Dr. Oz.

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Woman Cleaning Nightstand In Room

Use disinfectant sprays instead of wipes, which can spread germs from one surface to another. Let the surface remain wet for three minutes before drying.

Toilet paper in the hands of the buyer in the store

While you don't need to buy out your local Costco, Dr. Oz suggests keeping a 2-week supply of toilet paper, soap, detergent—just in case you need to be quarantined.

Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1737876836 Young woman with mask and gloves comparing various fresh pasta essentials at the supermarket in the fresh produce section

Again, you don't need to equip yourself for a zombie apocalypse. Instead keep a two-week supply of "shelf-stable pantry goods and freezer-friendly items," urges Dr. Oz.

Pharmacist holding medicine box and capsule pack in pharmacy drugstore.

Again, focus on keeping a two-week supply of any prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

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Assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables

Another immunity-boosting tactic to keep yourself virus-free is via your diet. "Eating leafy greens and fruits high in vitamins like citruses, blackberries, and kiwi provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals," Dr. Oz explains.

Yellow soft shell D-vitamin capsule against sun and blue sky on sunny day

In order to boost immunity, Dr. Oz suggests taking 1200 IU daily of vitamin D3.

Our batting average ranked from last month but that's the reality

While the flu shot won't keep you from getting infected with COVID-19, it will protect you from the flu. Dr. Oz suggests getting a flu shot in order to "avoid confusing seasonal flu with COVID-19."

Pills on table

If you do end up getting sick, make boosting immunity a priority by taking certain vitamins. Dr. Oz suggests daily doses of Zinc (80 mg), Vitamin C (250 mg twice per day), Beta Glucan (250 mg), and Elderberry (Syrup or lozenges four times a day for five days).

Young caucasian woman wearing surgical gloves putting face mask on, protection from spread of Coronavirus

"In a recent JAMA paper, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention affirms that cloth face coverings are an effective way to fight the virus, particularly when they're worn by everyone," Dr. Oz wrote last month with Mike Roizen, M.D., Chief Wellness Officer and Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic. "They also recently published a case study of a hair salon in which both stylists were infected with COVID-19, but not one of their 139 clients contracted the virus. Why? In large measure, because everyone wore masks." And to get through this pandemic at your healthiest, don't miss these 35 Places You're Most Likely to Catch COVID .

Dr Oz Vitamin C Dosage

Source: https://www.eatthis.com/dr-oz-covid-protection/


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